Feeders and drinkers: how many per chicken? | River Systems (2024)

How many drinkers and feeders are required in a chicken house? Both are important items that play an important role in chicken health. Knowing more about these products will also help you understand which ones to buy and how much.

Feeders and drinkers should be resistant, so that they don’t fall over and the hens do not perch on them ( remember that food on the ground can attract birds and rodents that carry diseases).

In general, a 25 litre drinker and a 15 kg feeder are needed for more than 10 chickens. For a hen house with between 5 and 10 hens, a 12-litre drinker and a 10 kg feeder are recommended.Finally, if there are only a few hens, a 5-litre feeder and a 2.5 kg feeder are sufficient.

Guide to choosing the right feeder

The most practical solution is definitely the automatic feeders, which have a very simple working This avoids food waste, as the device closes as soon as the hen gets off.

The recommended amount of feed per hen is 125 grams per day. Pedal feeders are just one of many options: siphon feeders and hopper feeders are also available.

The difference between treadle feeders and hopper feeders

Treadle feeders are usually in metal or plastic, into which food is placed and dropped into a tray at the bottom.

This device has several strengths: first of all, it is very reasonably priced and can be cleaned without too much difficulty.
In addition, the pedal system prevents other animals from stealing the chickens’ food.

Feeders and drinkers: how many per chicken? | River Systems (1)

Hopper feeders, on the other hand, can be placed on the ground or fixed to the wall and the food goes down gradually. This means that the hens have a sufficient supply of feed for a fairly long period of time. For this reason, it is an ideal solution for those who cannot spend a lot of time on their chicken house.

Feeders and drinkers: how many per chicken? | River Systems (2)

Chicken feeders: how many are needed and what to consider in buying?

So what is the ideal number of feeders for a chicken coop, depending on the number of chickens present? As we have seen, there are many different models on the market. The answer to this question depends on the model you choose.In general, hopper feeders are larger and can be used in smaller numbers. Depending on the size of the hopper, the constant presence of feed and grain can also be ensured.

A normal bowl, on the other hand, is suitable for a smaller number of chickens. In any case, there are several things to consider before buying a feeder: the capacity, the number of hens and, finally, the frequency of feed supply.

Drinkers: how many in a chicken coop?

Before buying a feeder for chickens, you should pay attention to several aspects: the capacity of the water, the number of chickens, the frequency of feeding and the accessibility of the water.In addition, during the summer, it is important to provide the hens more water. For the same reason, it is important to put more drinkers in the house, preferably in the shade. If the drinkers are located under a tree, they can fill up with leaves or small branches, so the water must be cleaned and changed frequently.

Assuming about 500 birds, the average daily water consumption is about 100 litres. For every 100 chickens, two automatic siphon drinkers are needed, or, if you use pipette drinkers, 2.5 centimeters of space between them.When using automatic drinkers, you need one drinker for every 50 hens; when using pipette drinkers, you need one drinker for every 30 hens.

If, on the other hand, you decide to use a siphon drinker, you need to consider the width of the base plate.For example, a 35 cm wide plate is sufficient for 130 hens and a 25 cm wide plate for 100 hens. An 18 cm wide plate is sufficient for a maximum of 30 hens.

As you can see, the choice of model is a decisive element in determining the number of drinkers you need in a poultry house.

For more information about our products

Feeders and drinkers: how many per chicken? | River Systems (2024)


Feeders and drinkers: how many per chicken? | River Systems? ›

In general, a 25 litre drinker and a 15 kg feeder are needed for more than 10 chickens. For a hen house with between 5 and 10 hens, a 12-litre drinker and a 10 kg feeder are recommended. Finally, if there are only a few hens, a 5-litre feeder and a 2.5 kg feeder are sufficient.

How many feeders do you need per chicken? ›

FAQ: How many Chicken Feeders do I need? One to two birds can use a Dine a Chook Feeder at any one time but chickens usually take turns to eat. We recommend one Feeder for every 6-8 birds to ensure more dominant birds do not monopolise the feed.

How many feeders and drinkers for 100 chickens? ›

Provide three or four one-gallon waterers or two automatic water dispensers for each 100 birds. Don't waste feed! Most of the cost of chicken production is for the feed. During the first few weeks the feed troughs can be filled to near the upper edge.

How many nipples drinker for 1000 chickens? ›

You should provide at least 80 nipples per 1,000 birds.

How many chickens per treadle feeder? ›

A Standard chicken feeder can feed 3-4 chickens at once. A large feeder can feed 4-5 chickens at once.

How many feeders and waterers per chicken? ›

Feeders and drinkers should be resistant, so that they don't fall over and the hens do not perch on them ( remember that food on the ground can attract birds and rodents that carry diseases). In general, a 25 litre drinker and a 15 kg feeder are needed for more than 10 chickens.

How many chickens per bell drinker? ›

The parent company, Plasson, claims that their Plasson Bell Drinker has the world's most reliable poultry drinker. They are made of high-quality plastic material and designed for durability. It is recommended that one Plasson automatic drinker should be used for 80 to 100 birds depending on the ambient temperature.

How many drinkers for 300 chickens? ›

If continuous drinking troughs are used, at least 5 cm of trough should be allowed for each bird. Alternatively, one cup or nipple drinker may be provided for every ten birds. Baby chicks should be kept warm and dry. The nest, which they share at night with the mother hen, must be kept clean.

How many feeders for 25 chickens? ›

It depends on the size of your feeders however the Chicken Whisperer recommends that you should allow one feeder per 4 chickens, and if you have multiple feeders, space them out within their run/enclosure.

How much feed do you need for 100 chickens? ›

100 layers require 12.5kg of feed per day.

How much should I feed 20 chickens a day? ›

However, there is a simple figure to provide you with a solid starting point: 1/4 of a pound per fully grown chicken per day. This means each chicken will eat approximately 1.5 pounds of feed in a week.

How many roosters per hen ratio? ›

How many hens are needed per chicken coop. In general, we can opt for a rooster to hen ratio of 1 to 10 or 1 to 12, that is, maintain one rooster for every 10 to 12 hens (in the case of heavy breeds we can go down to 1 male for 5 females).

How many feeders are needed for 1000 layers? ›

20-25 trays are required for 1000 birds to avoid paper feeding. You can use the same box, in which you receive chicks and can be used only in the early stage of chicks. 16-18 Jumbo Feeders are required for 1000 birds. Capacity of Jumbo feeders may be different and can't be used in early birds.

How many feeders do you need for 20 chickens? ›

A rule of thumb is to provide 1 large round feeder or one 8-foot long for every 15-20 birds; it's better to have too many feeders rather than too few.

How many feeders per broiler? ›

From 2 to 4 weeks of age, at least one tube-type feeder per 25 broilers is required. After 4 weeks, one tube feeder is needed for every 12 to 15 birds.

Do chicken treadle feeders work? ›

In conclusion, the treadle mechanism on an automatic chicken feeder is a simple yet effective way to control access to the food. By stepping on the treadle, the chicken triggers a lever that opens the flap or door, allowing access to the food.

How many feeders do I need for 13 chickens? ›

It depends on the size of your feeders however the Chicken Whisperer recommends that you should allow one feeder per 4 chickens, and if you have multiple feeders, space them out within their run/enclosure.

What is the recommended feeders for chicken? ›

The most common (and inexpensive), type of chicken feeder for the backyard chicken keeper is the bell feeder. Bell feeders are shaped like a bell and have a moat around them where hens are able to access their feed.

Should chicken feeders be in the coop or run? ›

Placing Your Feeders & Waterers

They function best if placed in the run instead of inside the coop. Chickens don't usually eat after they go to roost, which is about 30 minutes before dusk. The best place for your feeder and waterer is where your chickens spend the most time during the day.

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