Session Six — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Bru'kan, Drak'thul, Eurydice, Gramgun Laughingeye, Halno, Hooktusk, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Murky, Neri Sharpfin, Nyxxa, Okani, Rekki, Sol'chi, Vaerux, Volrath, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan, Zirazi, Zuni

October 27th

Before Nyxxa got wrapped up in the entire animal situation, she decided to go and get Arthak and Sol somewhere private.

Nyxxa says: So… something came up and I think it’s important that you both know this. There’s no way to beat around the bush, so I’m just going to say it. It seems Remnii’s alive.

Sol'chi says: Well… considering all she went through, she’s hard to kill.

Arthak Saurfang says: How’d you find this out? Who knew this?

Nyxxa says: She helped the Darkspear only a few months ago… Zekhan told me about her. Unless there is a similar Remnii out there that is blue and… a lot of similar things.

Nyxxa scratched the back of her head.

Nyxxa says: I think, given what I knew of the circ*mstances, it’s possible she faked her death. I… actually knew a little bit more than I let on. I kept it to myself, but I think now is a good time to relay that.

Arthak Saurfang says: I see.

Nyxxa says: I did tell Zekhan of my suspicions and he will relay such to the Darkspear. So if they are correct, they’ll help keep her safe. At least with keeping that secret, so we should also keep this to ourselves.

Sol'chi says: Sounds good. But I am going to tell Azgadaan.

Nyxxa says: Fair! He should know too.

Nyxxa chuckled.

Arthak Saurfang says: That is something to think on.

Nyxxa says: It is. It is good news.

Arthak Saurfang says: Fate is not done with her yet. That is gratifying.

Nyxxa says: That’s… a way to put that. A bit ominous… but a good thing ultimately.

Arthak Saurfang says: Perhaps once we are done with our business here and there are no more obstructions, it may be wise to reach out.

Nyxxa says: I’ll leave that up to the ones with the know-how. I’m just glad she’s out there still.

Arthak Saurfang says: Likewise. Thank you for telling us.

Nyxxa says: Of course, I figured you would want to know, and I trust you both to keep secrets. But… I will say that the one person who apparently killed her… well… according to what I was told, it was the king of the Alliance himself, which was likely a good reason as to why she was hiding.

Arthak Saurfang says: Well… ultimately, the high king of the Alliance is not our immediate problem, and should everything go according to plan he won’t be our immediate problem for a while.

Nyxxa says: And if they’re still alive… if she’s still alive… oh, also, another good thing, she’s been reunited with her people.

Sol'chi says: Oh! Good! Good to hear they’re fine as well, maybe.

Nyxxa says: Small victories. But we have important business. I’m going to be helping Rexxar with the animals.

Arthak Saurfang says: As you will.

Sol'chi says: And I’ve got a new project lined up. Speaking of, Arthak, can I see your lava hand?

Arthak raised an eyebrow and extended his arm over to Sol. Sol quickly pulled out a metal implement and scraped off some obsidian.

Sol'chi says: I’ll get back to you in a week!

Arthak Saurfang says: What are you using that for?

Sol'chi says: A surprise!

Arthak Saurfang says: You’re using a piece of me for a surprise…?

Sol'chi says: Yes! You’ll love it.

Arthak Saurfang says: …Alright.

Okani and Lantresor were standing and staring at one another as Arthak and the others approached them. It was a very long moment, and a lot of people were tenuously watching them. Finally Okani broke the silence by clapping his hands together and bowing.

Okani says: You are a skilled warrior.

Lantresor says: Indeed. The same I sense can be said of you.

Lantresor also bowed in return. It felt like an entire conversation was had between the two of them, but no words had actually been exchanged. Okani then turned and nodded at Arthak.

Okani says: Arthak. You are the warchief of these warriors, yes?

Arthak Saurfang says: I am, yes.

Okani says: I want to express my thanks to you and your companions for giving me the opportunity I needed to liberate my people.

Arthak Saurfang says: It was our pleasure. Any lives that could be saved should be saved.

Okani says: Indeed. Know that all of you have the eternal gratitude of the Waveblade clan. Small though we are, should you ever have need of our assistance, we will provide what meager aid we can.

Arthak Saurfang says: Might I inquire about your clan? I’m unfamiliar.

Zar'Kaa says: As I am I.

Okani nodded and glanced up toward the sky. His eyes were very hard to read, and it was clear that he was not meant to dwell on the land.

Okani says: I’m not surprised you surface-dwellers have never seen us. My people are the ankoan, and the Waveblade live deep beneath the tides. We are a peaceful and introspective folk, and rare are the times that we venture forth from the depths to see the son’s rays.

Zar'Kaa says: How did you cross paths with Zar’jira and her ilk?

Okani says: Some of my kin emerged from the deep reaches of the seas. Curiosity and resources lured them into unknown waters where Zar’jira’s sycophants captured them. I allowed myself to be captured so I could liberate them. Your attack gave me that opportunity.

Zar'Kaa says: Bold, I’ll give you that.

Arthak Saurfang says: Effective.

Okani says: Far more because of your intervention.

Nyxxa says: Perhaps fate truly brought us here then.

Arthak Saurfang says: As it does many things. My people are intending to settle in the continent across the Maelstrom. If your people find their home in those waters, perhaps this may be the beginning of a friendship between your clan and the Horde.

Okani says: Rare are the times my people stay in one place. The naga queen’s empire is a constant threat to us. Perhaps if the currents take us in that direction, then such a partnership could be orchestrated.

Arthak Saurfang says: If nothing else, once we have established ourselves, know that the waters we control will be safe for you.

Arthak sensed what appeared to be a fish-like grin.

Okani says: A welcome circ*mstance that would be, but a word of caution to you, only a fool believes themselves capable of controlling the waters.

Arthak Saurfang says: Fair point.

Okani says: I shall take your words and deliver them to our elders in Mezzamere. They will be gladdened to know that such kind surface dwellers were instrumental in the liberation of our people.

Zar'Kaa says: I guess while we’re at it, I’ll extend the same courtesy. We live our lives on the coast, so if we ever share waters, you will be welcome.

Okani says: You are kind. I have encountered surface-dwellers before. Never have they extended hands of friendship.

Zar'Kaa says: New era. You never know when you’ll need friends and allies.

Okani says: Wise words. We shall rest and then return the long journey to our home on the morrow. With luck, the denizens of these waves will aid us on our way.

Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. Please make the most of our hospitality, and I wish you a swift and swift journey home.

Okani says: May the tides bless you and the currents take you to wherever your own journeys lead.

Zar'Kaa says: Yeah! Whatever that means, thanks.

Okani nodded and returned to his people. Nyxxa leaned over to Lantresor.

Nyxxa says: Seems you found a kindred spirit, lum-za.

Lantresor says: Indeed. The paths we have walked are remarkably similar. His skill and wisdom are something I have aspired to for many years. I hope our paths cross again.

Lantresor and Okani had barely exchanged a single word, yet somehow Lantresor had an astounding amount of insight.

Nyxxa says: I wouldn’t say your wisdom is anything to snuff at.

Lantresor says: My own wisdom and experience is akin to a shallow tide pool. His is deep and vast as the oceans. Perhaps one day I shall reach depths. But until then, I would hope you do not misconstrue my admiration for self-discontent.

Sol'chi says: So he’s a… very old fish man?

Lantresor chuckles.

Lantresor says: Perhaps that’s one way to look at it.

Arthak Saurfang says: Your wisdom is of the winds, his is of the sea. They are both vast and neighbor each other, but neither is greater than the other.

Lantresor says: Well put, warchief. Well put.

Not far away, Neri Sharpfin was helping her own fellows amongst the group she had referred to as the Unshackled. There were a fair number of murlocs, the lobster folk, gilgoblins, and a single sea giant. Neri glanced over to the group.

Neri Sharpfin says: Heya! Glad you guys made it out alright. Those naga are nasty customers, they are.

Zar'Kaa says: Yeah, you can say that. Seems they did a number on your, so I’m glad you guys made it out more or less unscathed.

Neri Sharpfin says: Oh yeah, it was nothing! I’m just glad we got everyone else out. Neri Sharpfin. I know I introduced myself before, but a refresher never hurts.

Zar’Kaa introduced himself in the goblin tongue to see if she understood it.

Neri Sharpfin says [goblin]: Ah, see you have some experience with my surface-dwelling kin.

Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. A bit different from you bottom-feeders.

He was clearly joking.

Zar'Kaa says: I spent some time around the cartels.

Neri Sharpfin says: You’re lucky I know you’re joking or I’d slash out your tendons for that one. I don’t have much experience with the cartels myself.

Zar'Kaa says: I get it. I just took the jobs I was willing and able to do. That said, there are a lot of things I can’t even tolerate.

Neri Sharpfin says: I don’t have much problem with them. I just don’t chase the same dreams. Either way, I’m in your debt for helping out. Me and the others were in a bit of a tight spot, but now that we’re out, I’m going to make sure everyone makes their way home. Well. Most of us, anyways.

She glanced at the murlocs.

Arthak Saurfang says: Do these individuals not have a place to be returned to?

Neri Sharpfin says: No, most of them got somewhere to go. They just can’t decide where they’re going to go, and a few are getting caught in the middle.

The murlocs seem to be having a disagreement as they were not all from the same place.

Neri Sharpfin says: I offered to bring them back to New Home, a camp not too far from here, until we could figure out where their tribes are, but none of them can really decide. A few don’t even know what tribes they were from. Those ones we’re take with us, but…

She gestured to just beyond the group of murlocs to where a small, baby murloc was sitting on a rock. He was in the process of eating the leftovers of a fish. He still had the coat Nyxxa had given him.

Neri Sharpfin says: That little one over there, well, apparently he was just barely done being a tadpole. From what I could figure out, he was an offering from the murlocs that were loyal to Zar’jira, but I don’t think any of them are around anymore, and the others are treating him like a curse, or bad luck, you know.

Zar'Kaa says: Alright. Can we help? Maybe resolve these disputes and make sure they don’t leave the young one behind?

Neri Sharpfin says: Well, I was more than happy to take him with us. I’m just not sure he’d get the attention a young one would want–

Nyxxa says: I’ll take him.

Neri Sharpfin says: Just like that?

Nyxxa says: Yeah. If he needs someone.

She looks at Arthak.

Nyxxa says: If that’s alright?

Arthak Saurfang says: If any of them want a home more towards the west, we’d be happy to take them on for as long as they need.

Neri Sharpfin says: I heard you talking to tall dark and serious over there. Your folk are looking to settle on Kalimdor?

Arthak Saurfang says: Correct. And your people, the Unshackled, the same words I extended would apply to them as well.

Neri needs.

Neri Sharpfin says: Yeah. My people are less a tribe and more… a channel, of sorts. We make sure that people that fall on hard times can find a home, but sometimes that can be hard in the depths. But if you’re willing… once you get roots settled, I’m sure I’ll be in contact. Having friends on the shore isn’t a bad thing, and you seem like decent folk. At least having somewhere to sent people who aren’t interested in helping out new channels is a good thing, like these folk.

Arthak Saurfang says: Well, finding a home for those that don’t have one is very much what we are doing.

Neri smiles a sharp-toothed grin.

Neri Sharpfin says: I can respect that! You’re Horde you call them? You seem like right decent folk.

Arthak Saurfang says: Not always. But we’re trying.

Neri Sharpfin says: That’s all that anyone can do, you know?

Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed.

Nyxxa says: I do want to ask the kid what he wants. Can I talk to him?

Neri Sharpfin says: Sure.

She looked at Zar’Kaa.

Neri Sharpfin says: As far as mediating with the murlocs, you can try. Don’t know if they’ll listen. But who knows. I’ll try to keep in touch.

Zar'Kaa says: Well, I just want to understand. What do they want? To find a home?

Neri Sharpfin says: Some want to go back to their tribes, some want to stick together, and others want to follow us, and other ones entirely want to get revenge on the ones working with Zar’jira, but they’ll sort it out. I think they just need some food in their bellies.

Zar’Kaa offered for them to go back to his ship for some food, and Sol offered Zar’Kaa that he could give him something to help out.

Zar'Kaa says: What’s something?

Sol'chi says: A lot of food.

Zar'Kaa says: If… you have it to spare? Sure. Why not.

Sol'chi says: See you about that tomorrow.

Zar'Kaa says: Alright. Thanks. And Arthak, word to the newcomer of Azeroth, while promising a home to the murlocs may seem altruistic? You may find some issues in the future reaching their needs under your banner. They get territorial. And once they do it’s almost impossible to change their minds.

Neri Sharpfin says: They’re decent folk, but they’re different than most surface-dwellers are used to. Oh, and they have a lot of babies at once!

Sol'chi says: How long do they live?

Neri Sharpfin says: Well, if you get a lucky one, maybe 30-50 years. But most of them don’t make it that far.

Zar'Kaa says: Hence all the babies.

Neri Sharpfin says: The adults aren’t the biggest things in the seas, so they live fast and they die pretty hard… but they’re decent once you get to know them.

Arthak Saurfang says: And seeing to the needs of many complicated interests is part of my job. I’ll muddle through somehow.

Neri looked over at the Horde ships and then back at her group.

Neri Sharpfin says: Yeah, I think I get that.

She laughed. Meanwhile, Nyxxa approached the young murloc that was sitting on the rock.

Nyxxa says: Hey buddy, you feeling better?

Young Murloc says [nerglish]: Yeah!

Nyxxa says: That’s good!

Young Murloc says [nerglish]: It’s still cold though…

Nyxxa says: Hopefully we can leave this place soon.

Young Murloc says [nerglish]: Yeah! Coat warm too!

Nyxxa says: I’m glad! You can hang on to it.

Young Murloc says [nerglish]: New coat, warm!

Nyxxa says: I heard from the others that the… it’s unlikely the other murlocs… that you aren’t going to leave with the other murlocs?

The murloc looked at hte ground and nodded.

Young Murloc says [nerglish]: They say bad fish.

Nyxxa says: You’re not a bad fish.

The murloc looked shocked.

Nyxxa says: I think you’re a good fish.

Young Murloc says [nerglish]: Murky good fish?

Nyxxa says: Murky good fish. Your name is Murky?

Murky nodded.

Nyxxa says: That’s funny. My name is Nyxxa Murkthorn.

Murky says [nerglish]: Murky… and Murkthorn?

Nyxxa says: I know I’m not a murloc, but do you want to come with me?

Murky says [nerglish]: You take Murky with you? Even if Murky bad fish?

Nyxxa says: You aren’t a bad fish, and even if you were, I’d want to take you with me. You still deserve to have a family.

Murky looked up at her.

Murky says [nerglish]: Murkthorn… Murkthorn good fish.

Nyxxa says: I try to be.

Murky held his hands up for her to pick him up, and Nyxxa scooped him up. No one else could understand the conversation as he was speaking in nerglish. She returned to the group and introduced everyone to him.

Nyxxa says: This is Murky.

Arthak Saurfang says: Greetings, Murky.

Murky gurgled back at Arthak, and Nyxxa explained that he was saying hello. Zar’Kaa extended a fist for a fist-bump, and Murky bumped his hand. He then reached up for his tusks.

Murky says [nerglish]: Big teeth!

Nyxxa says: They’re called tusks. But it’s impolite to touch people without their permission, Murky.

Murky seemed to understand, but he touched someone’s braids ten minutes later. Zar’Kaa looked over at Nyxxa.

Zar'Kaa says: You sure about this? Taking the little one?

Nyxxa says: Of course.

Zar'Kaa says: I just… I know these murlocs don’t want him, but not every murloc will know he’s cursed.

Nyxxa says: He’s not cursed though.

Zar'Kaa says: No, but in their eyes he is.

Nyxxa says: Well, if we find other murlocs it’ll be a better fit for him, but for the time being he needs someone.

Zar'Kaa says: You Horde just like taking on burdens, don’t you?

Nyxxa says: I’m not actually part of the Horde.

Zar'Kaa says: …Right.

Nyxxa says: I understand it’s confusing. I just don’t like someone to be alone when they are that young.

Zar’Kaa grunted and walked away.

After a while, Levia came by and found Nyxxa and saw her with the murloc.

Levia Blackflight says: Nyxxa… why are you with that murloc and why is it wearing your coat?

Nyxxa says: I adopted him.

Levia Blackflight says: Nyx… this is a joke, right?

Nyxxa says: No! The other murlocs thought he was cursed.

Levia Blackflight says: So you adopted hime!?

Nyxxa says: I don’t see the issue.

Levia Blackflight says: It’s a murloc!

Nyxxa says: He’s a murloc. He can stay at the hold if we go out.

Levia Blackflight says: You’re actually serious about this?

Nyxxa says: Yeah!

Levia sighed and put her face in her hands. Murk grabbed her horn and Nyxxa scolded him for grabbing things without permission.

Murky says [nerglish]: Murky grab horn?

Levia shooed him off as he was introduced.

Sol'chi says: He’s our new little brother.

Levia Blackflight says: …Murky… fine. I’m going to go get something to eat. Do you… need something… Murky?

Nyxxa asked Murky and he eagerly reached out for food. Levia resigned herself to go and get food and Nyxxa informed her that the hard cider was also ready if she needed anything. Sol used [Prestidigitation] to get the slime off Levia’s horns.

Nyxxa took Murky with her to go and speak with Eurydice, who was delighted to see such a cute little one. She pinched his cheek affectionately.

Nyxxa says: I wanted to ask what brought you here?

Eurydice got wistful and sad for a moment.

Eurydice says: I was… the coral forest I call my home. Unexpected currents brought hard times to it. I feared if nothing was done, something unspeakable would have happened. The massive grove is integral for the ecosystems of the sea, so I ventured forth to search for an answer. Unfortunately, I ran afoul of Zar’jira’s sorcery. She captured me, and was using my power to help fuel her magics. But now that I’m free, I can return back to the forest, and perhaps Orpheus and my sisters have discovered something that has helped the forest in the meantime. But it’s been so long… I don’t even know. But first I must make sure that everyone here is given the succor they need. It’s the least I can do to pay it forward after such kindness shown to me.

Nyxxa says: I’m just grateful I could be of some help, and I hope you’re able to restore your home. Was it due to the naga?

Eurydice says: A strange… it was not the naga, no. Even they know better than to challenge my mighty darling Orpheus in his home turf… but after the last many years, strange sickness has spread over the forest. It’s been growing further every day. The coral is twisted and perverted and corrupted…

Nyxxa says: Where is the forest, might I ask? Are you familiar with the War of the Ancients?

Eurydice says: I am. I did not emerge until well after, but Orpheus fought during it, back when the oceans encircled this world.

Nyxxa says: The Legion is trying to invade once again. From what it sounds like… how long ago did the corruption start?

Eurydice says: Many years ago. And with each season it grew worse. I don’t believe it to be fel corruption. Orpheus would have recognized it… it’s deeper and more terrible.

Nyxxa says: If not fel corruption… strange… I wish I could offer more help. If it’s not fel, I don’t know what else it could it be. I know there has been more fel activity as of late… there is something… some sort of interference that has been engulfing this part of Azeroth.

Eurydice nodded.

Eurydice says: Perhaps Orpheus would know more! He’s a powerful and ancient spirit. Surely he may have figured something out. His forests are some distance off, away from the isles west of here.

Nyxxa says: We’re actually headed to the Broken Isles… I have people I know there, perhaps they may know something more. I can ask, and if we meet again I can let you know. I do appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt as a satyr.

Eurydice says: I’ve never met a satyr with such care for the natural order, but the world may have changed much while I was locked away.

Nyxxa says: I’m… I’m a bit of an exception. I’m fighting the curse and am trying to be a person that… is different from how the curse would have me act. I’m hoping to find a cure. But I am amongst the minority in that.

Eurydice says: To imagine… a satyr that seeks redemption… who seeks to return to the Dream that was barred from them? I had never even considered the thought.

Eurydice smiles.

Eurydice says: Truly I was blessed by encountering a soul like yours.

Nyxxa says: And I’m blessed for encountering you.

Eurydice says: Once I make sure the local ecosystems can adapt, I’ll return to my coral forest. Perhaps if I can learn anything that can aid you in your quest for redemption, I’ll seek you out, and if you find anything about this corruption, we may aid one another.

Nyxxa says: That sounds good. Maybe Elune herself is leading me on this path.

Eurydice says: Indeed! The goddess’s power is mysterious. I would not be surprised if her light guided even one such as you.

Nyxxa says: I’m starting to get the idea that even if I am one of her fallen children, even if a mother and her child are at odds she doesn’t stop loving them.

Eurydice says: A beautiful sentiment.

Nyxxa says: perhaps a bit prideful.

Eurydice says: Perhaps, but I think you should take pride in your kindness.

Nyxxa smiled and told Eurydice to let her know if she needed anything before they left, and she opted to take Murky in from the cold. Eurydice spoke in Sylvan as she looked down at the murloc.

Eurydice says [sylvan]: Fear not the cold, little one, for you are now embraced by a heart most warm. Let it guide you to smooth waters and warm seas ahead.

Her finger glowed with light and she bopped the murloc’s nose. He sneezed slime all over her, and she laughed and cleaned the slime off her.

Meanwhile, Arthak had gone to speak with Drak’thul, the only survivor of the Stormreaver orcs that had been left behind. He was just sitting nearby and had not eaten anything yet. He was being watched, but he wasn’t trying anything. He had a rough hewn cloak draped over him, but it had likely been placed there by someone else. He was looking toward the southwest.

Arthak sent someone to go and get food brought over and returned with food in hand that he set on the ground between them.

Arthak Saurfang says: What are you thinking about, elder?

Drak'thul says: Power. And how ephemeral it is. Do you see it? It’s in the air all around. It became intoxicating and we drew closer, by every inch. Even here in this distance… but now it just… smells like carrion. What was once an aroma that could have woken the dead now smells putrid and vile.

Arthak Saurfang says: By the time you find it, the bodies spent chasing it overwhelm whatever allure it had.

Drak'thul says: I can still hear it. Begging. Pleading for a way in. To win. Victory or death, lok’tar ogar. Our people truly love that saying, don’t they? How many do you think actually taste death? Too few, I think, or they wouldn’t stall it half so much as they do. So what comes next, warchief? I’m worth no ransom. Gul’dan would not jeopardize his quest for power for the sake of an old relic. Any information I would give you would be a paltry token. You would be better to leave me. Leave me behind on this waste. To roam, to be tormented by the spirits until my bones freeze and my blood crystalizes. That is, unless you want to add my head to your collection. Azuka. Kargath. Mannoroth. Blackhand. I do not compare, but… perhaps I may keep Gul’dan’s spot warm until your blade comes to collect his as well.

Arthak Saurfang says: For now, I believe I would like you to eat.

Drak'thul says: Must I?

Arthak Saurfang says: No. I would like you to. But if you choose death that is your choice, I will not take that from you. But I would see it as a waste.

Drak'thul says: You are a warchief most cruel, Arthak. Foisting the burden of choice on an old man like me. It would be much easier if you would do otherwise.

Drak’thul had not looked back to Arthak at all, but his hand did reach out to retrieve the bowl of warm stew.

Drak'thul says: You sail into a storm beyond your understanding, Arthak. I suppose, then, it is good that they call you the Stormbreaker, isn’t it?

Drak’thul took a sip from the stew. Arthak stood up.

Arthak Saurfang says: Victory or death, elder. I have dwelled upon that saying for some time now. Death is clear. Our minds know what it is, even if our hearts do not. Victory is a far more ephemeral concept, much like power. I have wondered if perhaps where we erred was not in our adherence to those words, but our lack of imagination in how to define them. Many things can be a victory.

Drak’thul chuffed and took a slurp from the bowl, which was a victory in its own way. Arthak walked away, leaving Drak’thul for the time being.

That evening as the sun set, supplies had been distributed and everyone had food and clothing. Zar’Kaa called a meeting amongst the Darkspear. Volrath gave a report on the circ*mstances and informed Zar’Kaa that the rest of the refugees had been accounted for and their names and prior affiliations and families were documented. The Reuniter had started to get to their full capacity as far as refugees were concerned.

Volrath says: It might be worthwhile turning back and heading home.

Zirazi says: I would have to concur. Our primary resources are alright, and of course I’m able to expand that as we need, but as far as nutrition and necessity, that is something we need to consider. If we continue on for too much longer, we’ll need to stop somewhere to acquire food. The things I can conjure can tide us over, but they aren’t exactly a balanced diet.

Zekhan nodded and seemed like he had something on his mind.

Zar'Kaa says: Well, first of all, good job. I appreciate your thoroughness in making sure we have all the refugees accounted for and that we can do our best to reunite them. As for the rations, Sol offered rations. I’m hoping those will tide us over pretty well. When we get back home, there’s nothing to stop us from going out again and sailing to more seas we haven’t navigated.

He looked at Zekhan.

Zar'Kaa says: Zek, something to add?

Zekhan says: Uh… yeah. I’ve been thinkin’ after talking with the Horde and some of the people they’re traveling with. When we left the Echo Isles we came mostly to find refugees. We didn’t know how many they would be, and we couldn’t think about scouring the whole world, which is why we went to the old isles. Truthfully, I’m not sure where we would go next to search for more people. Just about anywhere could come up with something. But that leads me to what I’ve been thinking about… I don’t think we encountered the Horde out of chance. I think the spirits guided them here for a reason.

Zar’Kaa rolled his eyes.

Zar'Kaa says: With all due respect to your spirits, I know why I came out here, and it wasn’t to have a meeting with some strange outlanders who we still do not know and cannot trust.

Zekhan says: No, and I know you have no respect for the spirits, and I understand that, but we know why we are here, yet the spirits guided their ships right here. They passed our path in our time of need! I don’t know if we could have saved anyone if it wasn’t for them. But with their aid, we rescued out allies and we liberated our former home.

Zar'Kaa says: What’s your point?

Zekhan says: Sen’jin’s spirit is at rest now. All the spirits that were lost can rest easy, and it’s because the Horde aided us. I don’t think we’re supposed to leave them. I think they’re here as a guiding star. Something to help us find something more. I know it sounds far-fetched, but we left to find our people, but we found the Horde too. What does that mean? I think it has to mean something. I think we should consider trying to discover what that is.

Zar'Kaa says: I think any number of random chance encounters can occur on this world. It’s not like we’re living on some barren planet. There’s always chaos that unfolds. This is me speaking of things only I know about. Not to mention the vast number of historical events I’m unaware of. This is just another one of those, and isn’t some moment where the spirits decided to converge and show us a new path. The spirits also wanted us out here, by that logic, rekindling the bonds of our people. That’s what I think is important. Not what the Horde is doing. Not that the Horde is trying to save our world from some unknown force and have no reason to believe exists outside the presence of a few demons.

Zuni says: But what if it is real, man? What if that’s all true? I mean… we can’t just rely on them tos ave the world, yeah? We live here too. We have family. We have to protect them. And I mean, they went out of the way to help us? We were a bunch of strangers on the high seas. I’ve been talkin’ to them, and I know it’s been less than a day, but they seem like good folk. If nothing else, the least we can do for them helping us is to help them deal with theirs, yeah?

Zar'Kaa says: We owe them a favor, no doubt…

Zuni says: And technically, they’re going west. It’s on the way–

Zar'Kaa says: Let me finish. We owe them a favor, but this? We don’t even know what their plan is? Saving the world can mean any number of things! If we were to take them on their word, and they were trying to save our world from this demonic force, that would mean our situation becomes a lot more complicated and dangerous. What are we supposed to do about that? Not all of us are warriors. Nine out of ten people on our ship are refugees. Are we supposed to take them with us on this dangerous path? Put them in harm’s way? After they’ve already been through hell?

Volrath says: If we were to entertain this idea, I may have a solution. We could return home to the Echo Isles. It would be safe and wise. We could ensure the safety of the refugees we rescued, and we would ensure that we were at no risk of running low on resources, however, we are in a unique situation. Not all of those gathered in this ragtag armada are members of the Horde. I know it’s not typical of the work they would do, but if we promise appropriate compensation, I’m sure the pirates under Hooktusk would serve as transport for our refugees. They’re honorable enough, I think, that the exchange of coin would be satisfactory. The treasures we earned here should cover their fee and leave plenty for us. Should we seek to follow this course of action, the refugees’ safety could be ensured. They are pirates, yes, but even they are not foolish enough to take a coin purse and run knowing first and foremost that it would make them an unnecessary enemy, and even they would recognize that they owe us as much as we owe them. They may not be allies, but with enough coin anyone can be their ally. As for the Horde… I have thought of this as well. I do not believe that traveling with the Horde is a wise choice. But nor do I believe it is wise to discount the idea. We have listened to what the Horde’s plans are. They hunt renegades of their own people. This sorcerer… who has fled from their country. That much is known.

Zar'Kaa says: So one rogue sorcerer is supposed to bring a calamity to our world? One who is from Draenor and does not know our world?

Volrath says: There are many ways to gain that knowledge. Look only to Zalazine. Thrice now he has nearly brought about the ruin of our people. And the ruin of many others in places far beyond where he is from. The magics that some magi have at their fingertips is well within the power to shape and warp reality, more so than you or I could hope to understand. I don’t know what this sorcerer plans, but I believe he can be a threat. I also believe the Horde can handle it. One ship with little over a dozen fighters able to defend themselves and a handful of sailors will not turn the tide, but it will help if we joined forces. We would be putting our own people in danger, but we may save lives. They may not be Darkspear, but they’ll be lives. What I also know is that after the Horde brings this renegade to justice is that they seek a home, and they are currently seeking it on Kalimdor. I don’t know where destiny will put them, but there’s a chance they may become our neighbors. And the only way there is no chance of that happening is if they fail. If this happens, we’ll have other problems, but this Horde exists, and we now know this. We are in a unique position to make ourselves known to them, and valuable to them. For nearly two decades now, myself, Vanira, and many of the others who have discovered the Echo Isles have lived on Kalimdor. We too are recent refugees. We have been there less than a generation. Even so…

He looked at Zekhan and Zuni.

Volrath says: It is our home. Our children have been born there. Our people have died there. We know what it is like to settle in this distant, unknown land. That knowledge could be invaluable to anyone seeking to do the same, especially one from another world. If we can get our foot in the tent, we may find ourselves with a powerful ally on our doorstep. This is of course not our decision to make. Zulfli’jin is the one to decide whether they will be allies, but it’s worth considering. And it is an opportunity. Were these orcs to become allies of the Darkspear, our ship would be the ones who pioneered this. Of course… should they prove to be a threat, the same could be said as well.

Zar’Kaa falls into thought for a long moment.

Zar'Kaa says: Well… I just have one more question then. You said it yourself, this is Zulfli’jin’s call, and I don’t disagree. So what does it matter to any of you what I say or what I decide?

Volrath gives Zar’Kaa a stone-faced look.

Zuni says: What do you mean, man? You’re the captain. Whatever you say goes.

Zirazi says: Even if we wish to commune with the chieftain, she is out of reach. This disruption makes it impossible to contact her unless we get much closer to the isles, and by the time that happens the Horde would be long gone.

Volrath says: This decision is yours to make, Zar’Kaa. The rest of us will follow suit. That’s what leadership is about.

Zar’Kaa nodded.

Zar'Kaa says: Putting your lives in my hands is the greatest responsibility… this is a lot to think about. Just not what you all told me, but I had a long conversation with the warchief. I think it’s something I’d like to sleep on, if that’s alright?

Volrath nodded.

Volrath says: I don’t see a problem. We’ll reconvene tomorrow. We don’t have much time. Hopefully the evening’s meditations can provide the guidance you need.

Zar'Kaa says: When time isn’t on your side, you have to strike, or you roll over and die. So I don’t need time. I’ll have an answer tomorrow.

Volrath says: Good. We look forward to hearing it.

Zar'Kaa says: And, all of you, thanks. Truly.

The group nodded.

Zuni says: Yeah man, of course. Just glad we could help out.

Zekhan smiled.

Zekhan says: Thank you for hearing us out. I know you aren’t a fan of the spirits, but even so, it means a lot.

Zirazi says: I will do my own divinations this evening and star’s willing they’ll provide some degree of elucidation that will help guide the way. But the stars can only guide us so much.

Rekki says: I’m just glad I can help. No matter what, it’s a fantastic learning experience.

Zar'Kaa says: Right. Your voices matter. So I’m grateful mine matters to you. Alright. Get some rest. We’ve had a long day, and you all certainly deserve it. I’ll try to do the same.

Once everyone left, Zar’Kaa heard Bru’kan.

Bru'kan says: These are strange times. Times where finding a strong ally is important. You have more wisdom in that noggin’ of yours than you like to pretend, don’t ya?

Zar’Kaa rubbed his temple.

Zar'Kaa says: I hate when you use my words against me.

Bru'kan says: They are a weapon most potent. By the way, the goat woman, Nyxxa, I think she saw me. It was just for a moment, but during the fight, her eyes, or lake thereof, made contact with mine.

Zar'Kaa says: You’re certain?

Bru'kan says: Well no. But it sure looked like. Might be worth looking into. That is, if you have the opportunity to talk to her again.

Zar'Kaa says: I’d say I’d be surprised, but every single person in this Horde can do weird sh*t, so I should just stop being surprised.

Bru'kan says: Next thing you know, one might have a weapon that can turn into a lightning bolt. Goodnight my boy, sleep well if you can.

He laughed.

Bru'kan says: Goodnight my boy. Sleep well, if you can.

Zar'Kaa says: You too, ghost.

Zar’Kaa took a long time to contemplate over the night.

After a long night of fretting over animals and murlocs, Nyxxa also finally got to bed. However, soon after, she jolted up, and there was a long wing that was curled and wrapped around Murky and Mischief. Nyxxa blinked and poked them, and she also realized that everything around her was in color.

Nyxxa slipped out of the hammock without waking Murky, and went for a walk to ensure everything was in place. Mischief begrudgingly goes with Nyxxa so that she’s not stuck resting next to the slimy creature. Nyxxa took off into the air to test the wings.

One thing Nyxxa noticed as she flew around, there was something strange in the air. They were almost like currents of fel energy. Nyxxa decided to follow them along for a bit before returning to the ship. One of the orcs waved at her, and Nyxxa waved back.

She relented that she would practice things more in the morning. Mischief commented that her eyes were a different color, and she bopped Nyxxa’s face. Nyxxa was confused, but she said she felt fine.

Mischief says: Leave it to you to dabble too much in your own magic and become more strange.

Nyxxa says: Well… maybe it was one too many cantrips.

Nyxxa took Mischief to head back to rest. Vaerux commented that maybe her prior metamorphosis stuck around, but he didn’t know.

October 28th

The next morning, Nyxxa woke up and didn’t have the wings. She checked in and Murky wanted to sleep in, so she gave him a kiss on his forehead before heading out. She saw Arthak and Levia, but then her eyes locked on Azgadaan, and then Sol.

Then her eyes widened.

Nyxxa says: I can see you.

Nyxxa darted forward and immediately hugged Sol.

Nyxxa says: I have see you!

Sol'chi says: Yes? Are you okay?

Nyxxa says: I can see everything now! I can see colors. You’re purple!?

Sol'chi says: I am indeed purple. That’s great. Oh… huh. One of your eyes changed. It’s also purple.

Nyxxa says: Yeah! I think because I was dabbling in other magic. I also sprouted wings last night, but they aren’t here right now… wait.

She thought about having wings, and they sprouted.

Nyxxa says: They’re still here!

Sol'chi says: And they’re retractable. Maybe.

Nyxxa says: Let me try.

She thought about not having them and they disappeared.

Nyxxa says: They are retractable! But I wanted to to check with you to make sure everything was okay?

Halno passed by on his way to go back to his work.

Halno says: You’re probably dying. I call dips on your body.

He disappeared again, and Sol went about looking Nyxxa over.

Nyxxa says: Oh yeah, and I saw currents of fel energy in the sky.

Sol'chi says: Huh. Interesting.

Nyxxa says: I could get a better look if you want.

Sol'chi says: Yeah, wonderful.

Sol was looking very closely into Nyxxa’s eyes. But then he blinked as something manifested, and Nyxxa felt a small, familiar twinge as she had shared her mind with another for a while.

Sol'chi says: Why am I looking at my own face?

Nyxxa says: Maybe you manifested things too!

Nyxxa turned around and Sol blinked.

Sol'chi says: That’s strange. I’m seeing things at the same time. That’s weird.

Nyxxa says: Are you seeing through my eyes?

Sol'chi says: Yeah… yeah I think so.

Nyxxa says: Oh! So I’m like your familiar right now?

Sol'chi says: Uh. Yeah. But normally my vision cuts off…

Nyxxa says: Well, might be an upgrade. I can go see if the currents are still there. We don’t know how long this is going to last!

Sol'chi says: Go for it.

Nyxxa took off into the air to go look at the fel currents overhead. They almost resembled the northern lights, but they were entirely fel green and were lines of energy that coursed through the sky heading in a direction. Sol examined them by seeing through Nyxxa’s eyes.They almost resembled leylines, but they were fel in origin, and they were almost certainly coming from the source of the fel disturbance that was interrupting things, and were projecting out and away from it. It seemed to be a physical manifestation of the disturbance.

Nyxxa returned to the deck and expressed that she was happy to help out if Sol wanted to look at more.

Meanwhile, Arthak went to speak with Hooktusk to speak with her about the future, and the potential for trade partners. Hooktusk admitted that Arthak had proven that it would only be a fool pirate to attack his ships under prepared. However, she observed that his culture hadn’t been much of a seafaring folk.

Hooktusk says: So what do you know about piracy?

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m familiar with the practice. Its advantages, its challenges, some of the history of it on this world. Purely information. I haven’t engaged in the practice myself.

Hooktusk says: Well I certainly recommend it! Thrill of a lifetime. But you also know what pirates be looking for, aye? So there’s no end to the number of pirate crews. Plenty are unaffiliated, others are in small groups, but the other two major groups are the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Black Water Raiders. We aren’t affiliated, though we work with them sometimes. There’s not much I can do for you there. But I’d be more than happy to provide what little guidance I can give. However, on that note, if your Horde starts finding itself with a dearth of sea-worthy activities and an abundance of gold, I’m sure we might be able to find an arrangement.

Arthak Saurfang says: And I imagine, as you go about your work, there’s always a need of ports where you can trade your plunder and get repairs and supplies for your trade? I would be more than happy to arrange it.

Hooktusk says: Well, I can certainly see the appeal. You sure you don’t want to be a pirate? Saurrrrfang would have a ring to it.

Arthak admitted he wasn’t looking into it, but he also offered that he would welcome Hooktusk as an intermediary in the future if he opted to deal with other crews in the future, as it would be a good enterprising option.

Hooktusk says: Aye! I’ll have to thank Neptulon himself for guiding your beast of a vessel to us. You certainly have a way with words, warchief.

Arthak Saurfang says: I like to think I have an eye for advantage.

Hooktusk says: Make sure you don’t lose that one too.

Hooktusk offered a wink with her one good eye.

Arthak Saurfang says: I look forward to our next meeting, admiral.

Hooktusk says: Aye. I do too.

Sol opened a [Demiplane] and stored as much as he could find in it.

Later on, the groups were getting ready to leave, and Arthak got word that Zar’Kaa wanted to speak with him. Volrath and a few of the others accompanied him as they boarded the juggernaut. Arthak had returned to planning mode when Zar’Kaa arrived.

Arthak Saurfang says: Captain. Volrath. Zuni. Zekhan. Welcome.

Zekhan says: Hope you slept well.

Arthak Saurfang says: Enough.

Zuni glanced over at Zar’Kaa, as that sounded familiar. Nyxxa quietly muttered to herself that they were different shades of blue.

Zar'Kaa says: So. I take it you’re all heading back on the voyage to find this… renegade from your Horde, is that right?

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. Given the situation has been resolved here, it is time for us to return to our main purpose.

Zar'Kaa says: Right.

Zar’Kaa paused and closed his eyes for a moment.

Zar'Kaa says: Arthak. You’re serious that… the Legion could take this world over?

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. They almost have in the past.

Nyxxa nodded vigorously.

Sol'chi says: I grew up with the Legion. I am an eredar, after all, and the eredar are the majority of the leadership. I can show you some things.

Zar'Kaa says: Okay. I want to come with you.

Nyxxa offered a surprised look, and Arthak looked up and studied Zar’Kaa for a long moment.

Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting.

Sol'chi says: What about the refugees?

Zar'Kaa says: I’ve already spoken to Hooktusk. We came to an agreement. A satisfactory payment that she could accept to take them back to their home, so the refugees would be fine, and Hooktusk may be a bastard, but she’ll keep her word.

Arthak Saurfang says: Then in that case, I would be more than happy for your people’s assistance.

Zar'Kaa says: Alright. I just have to make a couple of things clear. For one, if we’re going to be on this journey together, I’m willing to… let some of the walls down, so to speak, and I’m hoping you’ll continue doing the same. But at the same time, my people aren’t your Horde. We’re still our own tribe, and it’s going to stay that way, regardless of what happens next. Is that understood?

Arthak Saurfang says: Easily. You are allies, not a part of the Horde. Were that to be explored in the future, that’s a matter for your chieftain. For now, more than acceptable. Anything else you wish to make clear?

Zar'Kaa says: And to state the obvious, my people still take my lead. This is ultimately a renegade from your camp, so I’ll take your guidance in turn, just lets not cross the orders up.

Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. Then I do have something I would like to establish then. If we are to be allies in this, and I would like that, your contention with Bakaz needs to be set aside.

Zar’Kaa looked away, clearly not pleased with the idea.

Zar'Kaa says: …Yeah. Don’t expect me to lay down my life for the guy.

Arthak Saurfang says: I will not.

Zar'Kaa says: But at the same time, this isn’t about him. I can worry about Bakaz later. For now, this isn’t just my world anymore, it’s yours too. If you’re willing to fight for it, hell, I can’t stand aside either.

Arthak Saurfang says: Admirable. I’m glad you concede that.

Zar’Kaa walked forward and offered a hand, and Arthak took it with his obsidian hand.

Zar'Kaa says: Huh… that’ll be a story to tell later.

Arthak Saurfang says: It is.

Zar’Kaa also shook Nyxxa and Sol’s hands as well. Nyxxa looked a lot more serious.

Nyxxa says: If you’re going to be aid the Horde, then there is something else we need to discuss. The Horde is sailing to meet with my people.

Zar'Kaa says: Who are?

Nyxxa says: My organization is known as the Illidari. We are a paramilitary organization that is seeing to expunge the Legion from our world using their own methods.

Zar'Kaa says: Hm. Demons fighting demons.

Nyxxa says: Not exactly, but they do work with demons like myself. They are mostly night elves. But seeing they are covert, I’ve been tight lipped. You’ll meet them and need to introduce yourself, as our base of operations is also theirs.

Zar'Kaa says: Right. Okay.

Nyxxa says: I do not think there will be an issue, but it is important we go through the steps.

Zar'Kaa says: I appreciate the transparency.

Nyxxa says: I can give you more information. As Sol mentioned, he has first-hand experience with the Legion, as do I. And if I may speak on behalf of the Illidari, they will be grateful for assistance.

Nyxxa then grinned.

Nyxxa says: I’m excited to have you all along too!

Zar'Kaa says: Yeah…

Zekhan says: The feeling’s mutual.

Sol'chi says: Pleasure to work with you. Can’t wait to see what else you can do.

Volrath says: On that note, though we cannot speak on behalf of our chieftain, when it comes time for your people to seek a home on Kalimdor, our people have recently arrived. Even so, a few decades is better than nothing. We may be able to provide you with guidance and a helping hand. Sometimes it’s better to set up a tent with two people instead of one.

Arthak Saurfang says: Quite.

It was clear there were mixed opinions across the group of trolls, and a part of it was definitely because they were paying back the aid the Horde offered them, but also, they were going to be neighbors, and they decided to introduce themselves with sugar rather than vinegar. Zar’Kaa, however, doesn’t seem to be completely sold on it, and there’s still an air of skepticism.

Arthak Saurfang says: I believe that makes perfect sense. We can see this as a test run to present to your chieftain later on, should this alliance prove beneficial to all involved. Perhaps we can make a case so that my people and yours can aid one another in the future.

Zar'Kaa says: Well, making a case will be easier when trust is earned. Speaking for both sides, of course.

Arthak Saurfang says: Of course.

Zar'Kaa says: Alright. As for logistics, we’ll still take our own ship. It doesn’t compare to your fleet, but it’s fast.

Nyxxa says: It did prove itself.

Zar'Kaa says: We can help to scout the way ahead. And as far as my people, Zekhan can help you navigate. We’re going to need to go somewhat close to the Maelstrom. You don’t want to get caught up in the Maelstrom. Your life will be snuffed out before you get the chance to save our precious little world.

Zekhan says: I’d be happy to work with your own shamans! I think we’d be a good time.

Arthak Saurfang says: I have no doubt. In the meantime, we should take steps to learn about each other and establish rapport. Once we arrive at the Broken Isles and connect with Nyxxa’s people, it becomes a war quickly, so this is our time to establish trust and the ability to cooperate.

Zar'Kaa says: There is one thing I’d like to know while we’re here. Who’s this renegade?

Arthak Saurfang says: His name is Gul’dan. Not too long ago he was one of the most revered elders of our people and the chief advisor to the warchief. He was one of the primary architects of the Horde. He was also the Legion’s chief agent in manipulating us. Unfortunately, that plan fell through, so he took what remained to the Horde loyal to him and fled to the isles to salvage this invasion and allow them to set foot on Azeroth. He wants to redeem his failure.

Zar'Kaa says: He’s powerful enough to succeed?

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. He has the direct assistance of some powerful agents of the Legion.

Volrath says: What’s he looking for?

Arthak Saurfang says: The very anomaly we are in, the source. There’s an artifact in the isles. It contains a fragment of power from the lord of the Burning Legion, the titan Sargeras. An item of sufficient power to easily be utilized to open a new portal, one that would allow the Legion to make an invasion.

Volrath says: So getting this artifact before him is a primary goal? I figure your people--

He looked at Nyxxa

Volrath says: Probably have a better idea than we do.

Nyxxa says: Yes. That said, as a note, because of the Dark Titan’s influence, you should also know that any divination or communications may be intercepted.

Zar'Kaa says: Well, we’ve already experienced some disturbance. We can’t contact our people back home.

Arthak Saurfang says: We believe that’s a side effect of the artifact.

Zekhan says: I was puzzling what could have been strong enough, but a dark god would certainly be enough.

Zar'Kaa says: Told you it wasn’t your fault.

Zekhan says: We’ll need to use caution then.

Arthak Saurfang says: Agreed.

Zar'Kaa says: Alright. As for these… demons. Either you, Arthak, or any number of your warriors, I would like to start learning so I know how to dispatch them.

Nyxxa says: I believe, actually, I could be of help.

Arthak Saurfang says: Slaying demons is her specialty.

Zar'Kaa says: I see. Alright.

Sol'chi says: And if you desire esoteric knowledge on demons, I could probably help.

Zekhan nodded.

Zekhan says: Whatever knowledge you could give us, I’m sure myself, Zirazi, and the others would be glad to see it.

Arthak Saurfang says: Likewise, it would be advantageous for our warriors to train together.

Zar'Kaa says: Yeah. I’m sure I could show them a thing or two, but between Volrath, Zuni, and the others, we have a variety of perspectives.

Volrath says: From what I’ve seen of how your Horde does battle, I believe our tactics will compliment it well.

Arthak Saurfang says: Likewise, I can ask Thura, Ariok, and Galforr to, in turn, show some things to your people.

Volrath says: Looking forward to it.

Arthak nodded.

Volrath says: We have a plan, and we’re burning daylight.

Zar'Kaa says: I’ll let my people know. After I do, we sail for the Broken Isles.

Several introductions were made, and slowly but surely, the ships started to weigh anchor. Hooktusk assured them that they would get the refugees back safely. Sol decided to open an upcasted [Magnificent Mansion] on Hooktusk’s vessel so that they could have it for 10 days. Each of the refugees also went through and thanked everyone individually.

The pirates took off and the refugees waved for as long as they could.

Nyxxa says: Well that was pretty nostalgic. Been a while since I interacted with pirates. But of course she had pink hair.

Levia looked at Nyxxa with a raised eyebrow.

Levia Blackflight says: Were you a pirate?

Nyxxa says: Yeah. Well. Different type of one. Not the worst experience, but I wasn’t in the best mood for it.

Levia Blackflight says: That’s a story you’re telling later.

Nyxxa says: Sure!

The remaining ships also made their preparations and took off. The Unshackled, the Waveblade clan, and Eurydice waved them off and also dipped beneath the water to continue on their own way. Zar’Kaa watched their former home fade into the distance, and Zekhan came over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Zar'Kaa says: You think you’ll come back?

Zekhan says: I hope so. I’d love to see more of the island. Even as it is now, I have a feeling it has a lot to show us.

Zar'Kaa says: Maybe. And if not… it shows us one more thing we haven’t lost, right?

Zekhan says: Yeah.

October 29th - November 2nd

With the sea came a lot of flat and a lot of boring, but with every day they got closer and closer to their destination. For the first few days, as they were traveling, there wasn’t much. Finally, as they started to get closer to the Broken Isles, they got the first glimpse of land. It was very distant still, and there were tall mountains that were barely visible at the edge of their sight. This was not where they needed to make land, however, they needed to go around the island. But the size of the island was big enough that it was more like a small continent.

However, there were two things they noticed. Arthak felt something, like a weight. It wasn’t anything he had ever felt before, but for a moment his mind was brought back to the feeling of being deep under the earth. It wasn’t the same feeling, but it was similar, and there was a strange weight on his chest when he first woke up. After he got his bearings, it faded a bit, but he could still feel something strange. Then he felt an itch on his black rock hand, and without realizing it, he felt himself touching one of his runes. It was almost as if the feeling was coming from the runes.

He meditated on the feeling, and his mind went back to the sea giants, who spoke a tongue he understood. It seemed that the magic of the breakers, and the magic of the Azerothian shapers, had some connection, and it felt like the island had some connection to them, but he was unsure if that was a good thing.

Sol had been working away on a secret project, and before too long he and Nyxxa approached Arthak.

Sol'chi says: Arthak, your gift is ready!

Arthak Saurfang says: The one you used parts of me for?

Sol'chi says: Yes. It was more so it recognized you as part of it.

Arthak Saurfang says: …Sol. Did you make a living thing out of part of me?

Sol'chi says: No no. I think it’s more like an amoeba?

Arthak Saurfang says: A what?

Sol'chi says: It’s a very, very miniscule creature that there are probably billions on you right now. Don’t worry, it’s nothing to worry about. Trust me, and reach out with your hand–the one we took the sample from.

Arthak Saurfang says: …Sample…

Arthak closed his eye and held out his hand. He heard the uncorking of a bottle, and something warm and kind of rubby stretched around his obsidian hand and slid into the cracks.

Arthak Saurfang says: Sol, I would like –

Sol'chi says: You can open your eye now.

Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you.

The cracks in his obsidian hand were glowing like lava.

Sol'chi says: You know that spell I cast, the one where I made them kind of explode? Now you have your own explody fist once a day!

Arthak Saurfang says: …Interesting.

Sol directed Arthak toward the rage room in the mansion so that he could try it out, and Arthak examined the rubby, glowing goo in the cracks.

Arthak Saurfang says: You’ve gotten better at this in a way I find disturbing. Thank you.

Sol'chi says: You’re welcome.

Arthak turned toward some of the objects in the rage room and he punched. As he pulled his hand back, the magma-esque goo flared and fire erupted off of it. He slammed into a practice dummy, and it exploded. The lava coated the fist and seeped back into the cracked. He took the opportunity to light a cigar on the magma.

Arthak Saurfang says: This will be useful.

Sol'chi says: Oh good, it works! I think it suits your look. It should brighten back up once it’s charged again.

At some point during a night, Nyxxa flew over to the Reuniter. Zar’Kaa was on the deck of the ship training.

Nyxxa says: You’re a late trainer, then?

Zar’Kaa finished the routine.

Zar'Kaa says: If there’s an hour awake, it’s an hour I should be useful. My enemies aren’t going to wait to kill me, so why should I give them the satisfaction?

Nyxxa says: Well, while I see the value, I don’t think that’s exactly true. It’s beneficial to take rest. Or do something for fun! At least that’s what I found. But to each their own.

Zar'Kaa says: Fun. Right.

Nyxxa says: Look. I’ve been around for a bit, and if you focus on work too much that tends to drive you a little bit insane. Balance is good, but I suppose if you’re young you can get away with it. Learn to have fun when it’s easier to, is my advise.

Bru'kan says: You know, I keep telling him the same thing, but he never listens.

Bru’kan appeared.

Nyxxa says: Ah! So I wasn’t seeing things!

Bru'kan says: So you can hear me, and see me then?

Nyxxa says: I think if I can see ghosts, I can hear them. But they aren’t normally as coherent as you.

Zar'Kaa says: How do you… you know what, I’m not questioning the weird sh*t.

Nyxxa says: To be fair, I don’t have normal eyes.

She pointed at the motes of light in her eyes.

Zar'Kaa says: Yes, I suppose the lack of eyes is abnormal.

Nyxxa says: Not for my people! But you’ll see it.

Zar'Kaa says: So what, when you enter the Illidari, you gouge out your eyeballs?

Nyxxa says: Sort of. We see the overwhelming might of the Legion and it’s so much we claw out our eyes!

Zar'Kaa says: …Ah.

Bru'kan says: Sounds like your Illidari have more than a few things in common with the shadow hunters. Visions and trials to overcome and all that.

Zar'Kaa says: Oh. You know what, seeing you can see and talk to each other. Nyxxa, Master Bru’kan of the Darkspear ghost tribe.

Bru'kan says: Pleasure to make your acquaintance! Can’t say it’s disappointing to find someone else that sees me.

Nyxxa says: Good to find a ghost that isn’t trying to kill me!

Bru'kan says: I didn’t say that, lass!

He started to laugh as Nyxxa gasped.

Bru'kan says: I’m just kidding.

Zar’Kaa made a comment about Bru’kan’s presence, and Nyxxa mused it was probably nice to have guidance, even if it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

Zar'Kaa says: Well. There’s some fringe benefits.

Zar’Kaa threw his spear and it burst into lightning. Nyxxa clapped.

Nyxxa says: That’s super cool!

Bru'kan says: Some of my finer work, if I do say so myself.

Nyxxa says: Wow!

They chat for a moment, and Zar’Kaa commented that if she was there she could maybe show him some things about demons, and she nodded and said that’s why she was there. Without any other warning, Nyxxa rushed forward with her glaives drawn. They spent some time sparring on the deck of the Reuniter, as Nyxxa showed him specifically how satyrs were fighting.

Arthak and Volrath also rejoined to speak. They decided to have the talk in Arthak’s captain quarters, where they could have some privacy. Arthak decided to stand next to the window so that he could smoke.

Arthak Saurfang says: So. How have I been doing so far?

Volrath says: Hmph. Not bad. I can see why your people follow you. You’re charismatic, you’re young, and you appear to be handsome by your people’s standards. Some cultures care about that. Either way, you have a good head, and you carry a good weight even I can tell is there after less than week. You aren’t afraid to wield your authority, but you don’t think your idea is always the best. All good traits. I have to wonder what the old warchief would have thought of it.

Arthak Saurfang says: I imagine a complicated mixture of fury and pride.

Volrath says: Doubly so when your blade took his head, I imagine.

Arthak Saurfang says: It was a hammer for that one, but yes. I’m glad I passed inspection. Gratifying as those words are to hear, that’s not what I wanted to speak with you about.

Volrath says: What is?

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m glad your people are with us. I was not expecting that. That being said, I need to understand precisely what I’m working with here.

Volrath says: In what manner?

Arthak Saurfang says: I had a conversation with your captain some nights ago. It was informative, though I do not believe in precisely the way he intended. I have also observed you to some extent, as you were observing me. So. Your captain has potential. He has charisma. He is a skilled warrior. He cares passionately. But. He is young. And I have observed he struggles to separate himself from the demands of his task. I observed that, and I also observe you. You have had command experience before. You are as skilled a warrior. So. I am curious, with no insult to your captain, why you were not placed in command. I have theories, but I have hope you’ll enlighten me to your chieftain’s plan. And if you aren’t comfortable, I understand that as well.

Volrath says: No. Fair question. After all, if our people are going to be watching your back, it’s only right that you know the people holding the weapons. You’re right. Zar’Kaa is young. Not young enough that he wouldn’t be trusted in command, but young enough he hasn’t had an abundance of experience. I couldn’t make such a claim. Though the same can’t be said of most of the others, this wasn’t my first time on the Darkspeak Islands. I was on the ship that sunk the Proudmoore vessel. The one that sparked their retribution. That led them to attack us at our home, which gave Zar’jira her opportunity and robbed our clan of a chieftain and a home. I fought against the Kul Tirans then. I fought against Zar’jira’s minions then. And I fought during the troll wars. I killed plenty, in my time. Slaughtered enemies. I was nearly slaughtered myself. It was elvish magic that took my eye. The fires are why I was not able to repair it. Even heightened troll regeneration has its limits, save those blessed by the loa like Hooktusk. What I’m saying, is I’ve fought, I’ve won, I’ve lost, I’ve commanded, but this journey isn’t a war. It may be turning into one now, but it was a rescue mission. It had a purpose of hope and heart, and one that might not have happened without Zar’Kaa. His was one of its loudest voices, and he sought a chance to do it. The people we saved… they would still be lost if someone had not been the first to speak up and take a step forward. That wouldn’t have been me. I would have nothing to gain from leading this mission, not even now when it transforms into something resembling something I’m more familiar with. Besides. I’m an old soldier. I could command every fight until my body fails, but at some point its better to let others step up. He’s untested. I don’t agree with everything he does. But as far as I’m concerned, there was likely no better pick for this mission. That remains to be seen as the mission transforms, but all I can do is offer guidance.

Arthak Saurfang says: You remind me of my uncle.

Volrath says: Yet he’s not here. And he’s not the warchief. Perhaps he and I are alike.

Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed.

Volrath says: If I survive all this, perhaps I’ll have the chance to meet him. I’m sure a lot of us will have a lot of stories to reminisce on.

Arthak Saurfang says: Or not to.

Volrath says: Yeah. Or not to.

Arthak Saurfang says: That answers one of my questions then.

Volrath says: The other?

Arthak Saurfang says: He reminds me of the man we’re hunting. He reminds me of a few people. But Gul’dan is one of them.

Volrath says: I see. I take it you knew this man? This sorcerer?

Arthak Saurfang says: He taught me much. Including how best to take everything from him. And I also know what made him.

Volrath says: Hardship has a tendency of breeding hard people. Zar’Kaa life hasn’t been easy, and I have, in the past, done nothing to lessen that burden. But that story is not one for me to share.

Arthak Saurfang says: No. It’s not. But that it exists is confirmation enough for me. So. For him this a test, and redemption, and a chance to claim what is owed for what he has suffered, and a chance to do right by his people.

Volrath says: Some could say it’s all those things, some might say none of them. It’s what he makes of it, and what we make of it. That’s what matters.

Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. I believe I have what I need. Thank you.

Volrath says: Of course. Anytime, warchief.

In the distance, the crews could see parts of a ruined shore. The closer they got, the stronger the trails of fel energy that Nyxxa could observe. They started to stream down and become more prevalent in the air closer to the land. It was a nexus point, and they seemed to be emerging from the water itself, as if it was a nest of fel fog.

And then, suddenly, there was a surge under the water, like a wave that caused even the juggernaut to buckle. Some things even fell off of Arthak’s desk. People got to the deck to look out over the water.

There was discussion about what they could have hit, as they were too far from the island still.

Arthak Saurfang says: …Sea monster.

Zar’Kaa, perched on the ropes of the Reuniter, looked for signs of anything. And then he saw a dark shadow spin its way through the waters.

Zar'Kaa says: Full sail ahead!

The sail came up. Nyxxa took off into the air to get a better view. Sol got aboard a small flighted vehicle he had conjured to do the same. Arthak peered over the edge of the ship, and he saw the long, serpentine entity in the water.

Arthak Saurfang says: Gramgun, definitely sea monster.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: Oh. You’ve got to be kidding me! Prime weapons! Full speed ahead! We have to get out of here, now!

Suddenly, there was an eruption of water, and a large, serpentine form emerged from the sea. It had multiple tendrils that ended in a fanged maw, and a beam of bright green energy carved through the water and scraped into the side of the juggernaut. It was mostly superficial damage for the time being.

Another tendril raised, and blasted another beam at the Reuniter. There were multiple, horrible maws. Then they realized the tendrils weren’t the monsters. From the very center of the column of ships, they saw, emerging from the murky depths, a massive skull burst from the surface. It was the largest demon they had ever seen. Its face was like that of a massive felhunter, and it had four massive tentacles that were spewing felfire. It was a horrific monstrosity. It released an ear-piercing screech.

Gramgun Laughingeye says: …Gramgun. Sea demon.

It threatened to capsize all of their ships.

Session Six — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.