How to Set up V2rayN on Windows (2024)

  • How to Set up V2rayN on Windows

    • What is the V2Ray?

    • 1. V2rayN : A Windows client for V2Ray

    • V2rayN Features

    • 2. Download V2rayN

      • Windows x64
      • Windows x86
      • Windows arm64
    • 3. Install V2rayN

      • 3.5 Change the language to English
    • 4. Get a V2rayN server

    • 5. Add a server

    • 6. Add a server manually (Optional)

    • 7. Understanding the Core (Optional)

      • V2ray and Its Variants
    • Clash: A Rule-Based Tunnel

    • Other Noteworthy Cores

    • 8. Understanding the JSON Configuration (Optional)

What is the V2Ray?

V2Ray is a software that helps users circumvent online censorship and access blocked websites. It is often used to circumvent internet censorship in countries where access to certain websites or content is restricted.

V2Ray works by using a combination of techniques such as proxies, shadowsocks and vless, vmess, trojan. It encrypts user traffic and routes it through a network of servers, making it difficult for authorities to block or censor specific websites or content.

V2Ray can be useful for circumventing online censorship in several ways. First, it can help users access blocked websites by routing their traffic through servers in countries where the site is not blocked. Second, it can encrypt user traffic, making it difficult for authorities to monitor and censor internet activity as a result it can help users bypass firewalls and other forms of internet censorship by disguising their traffic as normal internet activity.

1. V2rayN : A Windows client for V2Ray

V2rayN is a Windows client for V2Ray. It is a graphical user interface (GUI) for V2Ray, a tool for bypassing internet censorship. It provides users with an easy-to-use interface to access and manage their V2Ray servers. V2rayN is available for free and is open source.

V2rayN provides a few features that make it easier to use V2Ray. It allows users to quickly switch between different servers, set up custom routing rules, and monitor their connection status. It also provides a few additional features such as automatic connection and the ability to export and import configuration files.

V2rayN Features

Supports V2Ray, Shadowsocks, Trojan and VMess protocols.Offers support for multiple servers and custom routing rules.Configuration file import and export support.Supports many different obfuscation methods like HTTP/2, QUIC and WebSocket.

2. Download V2rayN

Download V2rayN from the official website:

Download V2rayN

Github release page V2rayN

Which version of V2rayN should I download?

Windows x64

For users running a 64-bit version of Windows, there are several options available: This package contains all Core files. If you are using V2RayN for the first time, this is the package you should download. The Core files are essential for the functioning of V2RayN, as they contain the main executable files and libraries. This package does not contain Core files. It is suitable for users who already have the Core files installed on their system.

zz-v2rayN-With-Core-SelfContained.7z: This is an independent package that includes all Core files. The advantage of this package is that it does not require the download and installation of the [Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime]. This makes it a convenient option for users who prefer a standalone package.

Windows x86

For users running a 32-bit version of Windows, the following option is available: This package does not contain Core files. It is suitable for users who already have the Core files installed on their system.

Windows arm64

For users running a 64-bit version of Windows on ARM architecture, the following option is available: This package does not contain Core files. It is suitable for users who already have the Core files installed on their system.

The choice of V2RayN release file depends on your system architecture and whether you already have the Core files installed. For first-time users, it is recommended to download the package that includes the Core files. For users who already have the Core files, the packages without Core files would suffice. The standalone package is a convenient option for users who prefer not to install additional runtimes.

In this tutorial we have used the version 6.23 of V2rayN.

Once you have downloaded and installed V2rayN, open it. You should see a screen that looks similar to this:

3. Install V2rayN

  • Extract the zip file and run v2rayN.exe.Keep the folder of the V2rayN client in desktop or any other location. Do not delete the folder after installation. You need to keep the folder to run the V2rayN client.

  • Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime is required to run V2rayN. If you don't have it installed, you will be prompted to install it. Click on the Install button to install it.

You can download the Microsoft .NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime from the following link:

3.5 Change the language to English

  • If the language appears to be Chinese after installation, click on this icon in the image below and change it to English and then close the app by clicking the X in the top right corner.

One you change the language to English, close the app from the bottom right corner of the screen as shown in the image below.

Then start the app again by double clicking on the v2rayN.exe file in the folder where you extracted the zip file of the V2rayN.

4. Get a V2rayN server

To use V2rayN, you need to get a V2rayN server. You can get a V2rayN server from a V2rayN provider. In this tutorial, we will use the V2rayN server from ZebraVPN.

  • Login to the zebravpn and go to your dashboard then on the list of servers choose v2ray and click on the get button then copy your v2ray token.

5. Add a server

  1. Then go to the Servers section and select the Import bulk URL from Clipboard option.

  1. After adding the desired server, click on the server to connect to it then activate it by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. Once the server is activated, the the color of the server name will change to blue (depending on the theme you are using, The color of the server name will change to blue in the dark theme).

  2. Go to the icon next to the bottom Windows and select the Set up system proxy option. This will allow you to use the internet via the V2rayN server.

  1. To check if the server is working, open a browser and go to If the page loads, then the server is working.

6. Add a server manually (Optional)

1.Go to the Servers section and select the option Add V2Ray server.

  1. Enter the server address, port, user ID, and other information. Then click OK.

  2. After adding the desired server, click on the server to connect to it then activate it by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard.

  3. Go to the bottom windows and select the Set up system proxy option. This will allow you to use the internet via the V2rayN server.

7. Understanding the Core (Optional)

the term "core" often refers to the main component or the heart of a software project. It contains the essential parts of the software, and other components or plugins are built around it. the list of supported cores including V2ray, Xray, SagerNet, Clash, and others.

V2ray and Its Variants

V2ray, also known as Project V, is a set of network tools that help you to build your own computer network. It's compatible with multiple platforms and is widely used for circumventing network restrictions.

  1. V2ray Core: The V2ray core is the original version of V2ray. It's a robust and versatile solution that supports a variety of protocols.

  2. Xray Core: Xray is a superset of V2ray and includes all features of V2ray, with additional improvements for better performance.

  3. SagerNet Core: SagerNet, another variant of V2ray, is designed with a focus on the Android platform.

Clash: A Rule-Based Tunnel

Clash is a multi-platform and open-source proxy software that supports Shadowsocks, Vmess, Snell, SOCKS5, and HTTP(S). It's known for its rule-based proxy functionality, which allows users to finely tune their network activities.

  1. Clash Core: The Clash core is the main component of Clash, providing the essential functionalities of the software.

  2. Clash Meta Core: Clash Meta is a variant of Clash with additional features and improvements.

Other Noteworthy Cores

  1. Hysteria Core: Hysteria is a feature-rich networking library designed to work over unreliable or congested networks.

  2. NaiveProxy Core: NaiveProxy uses the Chrome networking stack to provide a high-performance, robust proxy server.

8. Understanding the JSON Configuration (Optional)

JSON data structure used in network configuration following the V2rayN example.

{"v": "2","ps": "remark_name","add": "","port": "32000","id": "1386f85e-657b-4d6e-9d56-78badb75e1fd","aid": "100","scy": "zero","net": "tcp","type": "none","host": "","path": "/","tls": "tls","sni": "","alpn": "h2","fp": "chrome"}

Detail Descriptions:

v: This represents the configuration file version number. It is mainly used to identify the current configuration.

ps: This stands for remarks or aliases.

add: This is the address IP or domain name.

port: This is the port number.

id: This is the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).

aid: This is the alterId.

scy: This stands for the encryption method (security). When there is no time value, the default is auto.

net: This represents the transport protocol. It could be tcp, kcp, ws, h2, or quic.

type: This is the masquerade type. It could be none, http, srtp, utp, or wechat-video. This is applicable for tcp, kcp, or QUIC.

host: This is the masquerading domain name. It can be used in various ways depending on the protocol.

path: This is the path. It can be used in various ways depending on the protocol.

tls: This stands for Transport Layer Security.

sni: This is the serverName.

alpn: This stands for Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation. It could be h2 or http/1.1.

fp: This stands for fingerprint.`

Understanding these keys and their values is crucial for successful network configuration. They allow for precise control over how data is transmitted and received, ensuring optimal performance and security.

How to Set up V2rayN on Windows (2024)


How to set up V2Ray on Windows? ›

Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Download the V2Ray client software from the official website.
  2. Choose a V2Ray server to connect to. ...
  3. Follow the instructions provided by the server provider to configure your V2Ray client.
  4. Once the configuration is complete, you can connect to the V2Ray server and start using the VPN service.

How to set up v2rayN? ›

Version 6.42 and up (April 16, 2024)
  1. STEP 1: Download and install V2rayN. Click here to download the app. ...
  2. STEP 2: Add the servers. Get the api link. ...
  3. STEP 3: Select a server. Double-click on a server to select it (it will turn blue)
  4. STEP 4: Start the VPN. At the bottom, change the system proxy dropdown to "Set system proxy"
Apr 18, 2024

How to change language in V2Ray windows? ›

When starting v2rayN it will start with Chinese language, to change this click on the three dots to the right, then select the option that shows zh-Hans and change that to en after that right-click on the v2rayN icon in the systray and select the last option, this will exit the app. Start the v2rayN app again.

How to setup V2Ray on Mac? ›

  1. To install v2ray, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal) sudo port install v2ray Copy.
  2. To see what files were installed by v2ray, run: port contents v2ray Copy.
  3. To later upgrade v2ray, run: sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade v2ray Copy.

How to configure VPN server in Windows? ›

Under Add a VPN connection, do the following:
  1. For VPN provider, choose Windows (built-in).
  2. In the Connection name box, enter a name you'll recognize (for example, My Personal VPN). ...
  3. In the Server name or address box, enter the address for the VPN server.
  4. For VPN type, choose the type of VPN connection you want to create.

Where is the v2ray config JSON file? ›

In Linux, the configuration file is usually located in the /etc/v2ray/ or /usr/local/etc/v2ray/ directory. Run v2ray --config=/etc/v2ray/config. json , or use tools such as systemd to run V2Ray as a service in the background.

Is V2rayN a Windows client for V2Ray? ›

V2rayN is a Windows client for V2Ray. It is a graphical user interface (GUI) for V2Ray, a tool for bypassing internet censorship. It provides users with an easy-to-use interface to access and manage their V2Ray servers. V2rayN is available for free and is open source.

How to enable tun in V2Ray? ›

run v2rayN as administrator, then a toggle button will appear, labeled "Enable Tun".

How to config V2Ray on Ubuntu? ›

SSH into your remote Ubuntu server and follow the below steps to install and configure V2Ray Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04:
  1. Install V2Ray on Ubuntu.
  2. Set up NTP time Synchronization.
  3. Configure V2Ray for Ubuntu.
  4. Configure Reverse Proxy.
  5. Enable HTTPS.
  6. Configure Firewall.
  7. Configure V2Ray Client on Linux.
Apr 15, 2024

Does V2Ray have a Windows version? ›

Download V2Ray for Windows

To Install V2Ray on Windows, go to the Download page of V2Ray on GitHub and select the latest version. Note: To download the Windows compressed package of V2Ray: If it is a 32-bit system, download v2ray-windows-32.

How to stop v2rayA? ›

Use the start-v2raya command run v2rayA, and use the stop-v2raya command to shut down v2rayA.

How do I import config into V2Ray? ›

To import a configuration file in V2rayN , simply right-click on the V2rayN icon in the system tray, select "Import from clipboard", and paste the configuration link. For the official client, click on the "V" icon in the system tray and select "Import Config".

How to set V2Ray in Windows? ›

How to Install V2Ray
  1. Download the latest version of V2Ray for Windows.
  2. Extract the downloaded file to a folder of your choice.
  3. Open the extracted folder and double-click on the v2ray.exe file.
  4. A Command Prompt window will open with some information about V2Ray.
  5. The V2Ray Dashboard will appear.
Apr 6, 2023

How to set up v2rayNG? ›

How to setup v2rayNG on Android
  1. Log a support ticket and specify what server you would like. ...
  2. Install the v2rayNG app from the play store.
  3. Open up the app and tap on “+” and select Type manualyl[vmess] ...
  4. Enter in (these details will be sent to you) ...
  5. Set security to auto and allowinsecure to true.

How to install QV2ray on windows? ›

Tutorial for QV2ray software
  1. You can download this program from hhere.
  2. Proceed here to download the Trojan plugin.
  3. Copy the downloaded dll file of the plugin in the installation path of the QV2ray software in the Plugins folder. ...
  4. Close the software and run it again.
May 30, 2024

Where is v2ray installed? ›

The service is installed as v2ray. service . The executable itself is installed in /usr/local/bin/ . The config file is also available in /usr/local/etc/v2ray/config.

How to run v2ray on docker? ›

V2Ray Behind CDN
  1. In the CDN panel, create an A record for the server IP with the proxy disabled.
  2. Install Docker and Docker-compose (Official Documanetation).
  3. Run cd v2ray-docker-compose/v2ray-caddy-cdn to change the directory.
  4. Run cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid to generate a UUID.
  5. Replace <UPSTREAM-UUID> in v2ray.
Jun 1, 2024

How do I add v2ray to proxifier? ›

Connect it with your v2rayN/Netch/V2rayU/Clash apps

Open the Proxifier app. Go to Profile > Proxy servers > Add. For the Port, type the port that the v2rayN/Netch/V2rayU/Clash app is listening on. You can find it in the app settings.

How do I import config into v2ray? ›

To import a configuration file in V2rayN , simply right-click on the V2rayN icon in the system tray, select "Import from clipboard", and paste the configuration link. For the official client, click on the "V" icon in the system tray and select "Import Config".

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